Sunday, June 30, 2013

Blogpost #1 All About Leadership!!!

definition of leadership

Do you have an experience to be a leader?    

Well i have no experience to be a leader. I just always want to help my members to be success in our work so that we can finish our work faster. But i want to be a leader, because some of us didn't  know some things that we know. So if i became a leader i will help you to finish your work and to have an successful life in the future. If i became a "Leader"!!!

Well being a leader is to help your members to accomplish their work.

 In leadership even if the word leader ship is means that you will just tell your members or employees or co workers what they will do. 

If you are the leader at your work or in your class, you need to help your members so that they will have gather more ideas and they can finish at time.
Leadership is something essential to any group or organization.

Leadership is a process where by an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve their common goal.   

Check this out there was an article at written by Susan M. Heathfield with the title "Secrets of Leadership Success", That could tell us how to become a good leader.

Key leadership success secrets set the great leaders apart from the so-so leaders in today's organizations. Leadership style is learned from mentors, learned in seminars and exists as part of a person's innate personal leadership skill set developed over years, and existing possibly, from birth. Nature or nurture is a question often asked about leadership. I answer, "yes," because I believe the combination of natural leadership skills and nurture through leadership development defines your leadership style.Working from personal experience and research, I will define the characteristics of leadership that make great leaders. I envision a series of interlinked articles, each of which focuses on one aspect of leadership. 
Based on this article tells how important to be a good leader and how we can encourage other people to be a good and successful leader. We can know more about leadership if we will attend other seminars discussing a different ideas how we can improve our strategies in practicing leadership in our class,community, and especially if we have a emergency in our life that we will give a task to be a leader in a situation.

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