Monday, July 22, 2013

Blogspot #6 Definition-Part Two! "Thought Leadership"

A thought leader is a person or a company who decides they want to be perceived as a thought leader for a particular purpose.
A thought leader is your ability to capture, package, and deliver ideas for great commercial success.
A thought leader must be dedicated and focus on their work in order to accomplish their job started. 
Check this out there was an article at Forbes written by Russ Alan Prince and Bruce Rogers with the title "What is Thought Leader?", that could tell us that how those people in businesses make money?.
People are in businesses to make money. By and large, their objective whether through products, services or both is to do a top-notch job for their clients. Still, it’s fair to say, they want to be well compensated to the extent possible. Being a thought leader is very much about making money, which is also evidenced in the title for this column.
Let’s consider a tax accounting firm that wants to become a thought leader. A new law comes out that will have a dramatic effect on how to address the depreciation of certain corporate assets. For the tax accounting firm to appear as a thought leader, the tax partners have to do a lot more than merely regurgitate the new law. However, in most situations with professionals, simply repeating the basics tends to be the norm.
Based on this article people who are in the business makes money whether in products, services or both wants everything in good standard, to be compensated by their clients. Being a through leader what comes first in your mind? for me  first comes into my mind being a through leader is to make money. 

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Blogpost #2 What Makes A Good Leader?

Good leaders are "MADE" not "BORN". If you have the desire and willpower you can be an effective leader. The "GOOD" leaders they are continue developing through a never ending process of self study, education, training, and experience. Good leaders is a channel of water controlled by god; he directs it to whatever ends he chooses.

Check this out there was an article at Forbes written by Meg Cabot  with the title "Good Employees Make Mistakes, Great Leaders Allow Them To".  that could tell us why scariest things to do was to give your people freedom to make mistakes.

"As a business leader, I found that one of the scariest things to do was to give your people the freedom to make mistakes. While mistakes allow individuals to learn and grow, they can also be very costly to any company. Scared as I was, I knew that truly great leaders found ways to allow their people to take these risks, and I genuinely wanted to be a great leader. I wanted to help my employees to grow. So I set out to discover how to accomplish this without placing my company in jeopardy."

Based on this article every employees afraid of making mistakes sometimes it happens. mistakes makes us learn and improve our works. As a great leader you will do everything to make your employees to improve their decision making,guide them in their weakness,encourage them to focus in their work and give them time to relax. It is hard to be a leader because you will study what kind of person they are and you need to be patience and understanding at all time.     

If you're not making mistakes,then you're not doing anything. And if you really want to be a leader you should accept your mistakes because our mistakes is the pathway to great ideas and innovation. And mistakes are not our failures they are simply the process of eliminating ways that won't work in order to come closer to the ways that will. 


Monday, July 15, 2013

Blogpost #5 A Thought Leader

So What is Thought Leader!?
Lets define thought leader, thought leader is an individual or firm that significantly profits from being recognized or firm that prospects, clients, referral resources, intermediaries and even the competitors recognize as one of the foremost authorities in selected areas of specialization, resulting in its being the go to individual or organization for said expertise.

Thought Leadership drives new direction or expand your learning, Push the economy forward. Makes the rest of us think, question, discuss, and purchase. 

Check this out there was an article at Forbes written by Russ Alan Prince and Bruce Rogers With the title "What is a Thought Leader?", to tend us to be the most successful individuals or firms in their respective fields.

It’s a truism that thought leaders tend to be the most successful individuals or firms in their respective fields. Furthermore, in the research literature, there’s a general consensus that being a thought leader whether you’re an individual or employed at an organization and you want to grow the business, or even an association seeking new members as well as more generous sponsors, being a thought leader can make a very significant and positive difference.

Based on this article being a thought leader it is very big responsibilities and firm in their respective fields, Being a leader whether you're an individual or employed at an organization you have a wide knowledge, understanding, and resourceful in seeking new member and generous sponsors to finance your financial needs to support the needs of your projects or organization.

Blogpost #4 Leadership Skills or Traits

What is Skill? Do we have skills? Do we need a skill in our life?
So skills is our activity in our daily life. If we have no skill we are just a statue doing noting in every second,every minute every hour, every day, or even every year. We will do noting if we have n skills.
No people has no skills,every one of us has a unique skills. Others they are using there skills in the bad things and others is doing good things to other people in this word.
A great leader not only develops and directs a successful team that respect him or her.

A leader is doing lots of research to discover a new things.

Check this out there was an article at written by F. John Reh with the title "Top Leadership Skills or Traits", That could tell us why there are many important skills and leader needs to have and many traits that good leaders display.
"There are many important skills any leader needs to have and many traits that good leaders display. I've listed what I consider the most important leadership skills and traits in my article What Is A Leader. Which skill or trait do you think is most important? Is it one I listed or one I missed? What is the one leadership skill or trait that separates a great leader from all the rest? Tell your peers your choice and why it's important. Share Your Top PickLeaders must be competent in their respective field; know how and when to follow other leaders and have great listening skills".
Based on the article a good leader should have a skills beside on how he handle his/her members during the discussion in any/different aspects/topic that we encounter to accept his style. A leader has a some responsibility to be a good at all time. Because some of the members they idolized their leader to be there mentor for reaching their success and to be a good leader someday. 

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Blogpost #3 About Your Collaborative Leadership style and Empowering Others

Collaborative Leadership style, Do you know the meaning of the collaborative style?
Do you know the meaning of Empowering?

Collaboratives style is the leader give effectiveness of the action. And the empowering to promote a person to qualify or authorize.
Leaders may have to discover their collaborative traits as well as be open to other ideas and diversity of opinion.
Check this out there was an article at written by Ann Augustine with the title "Learn about your collaborative leadership style and empowering others"., That could tell us why much of the literature publish today on collaborative leadership focuses on a leader effectiveness in connecting aligning people to organizational goals.

Much of the literature published today on collaborative leadership focuses on leader effectiveness in connecting and aligning people to organizational goals. The most effective leadership style to do this would depend on your organization and culture, but contemporary thinking is that leaders be authentically collaborative and engaging.
But how does a leader develop a collaborative leadership style that an entire organization would align with? These four suggestions can help leaders learn to develop a collaborative leadership style, including actions that can lead to better engagement.

Based on the article collaborative style of a leader give effectiveness in the actions his/her members. Like they will reach there goals in specific organization in a class,school, and in works.