Thursday, July 18, 2013

Blogpost #2 What Makes A Good Leader?

Good leaders are "MADE" not "BORN". If you have the desire and willpower you can be an effective leader. The "GOOD" leaders they are continue developing through a never ending process of self study, education, training, and experience. Good leaders is a channel of water controlled by god; he directs it to whatever ends he chooses.

Check this out there was an article at Forbes written by Meg Cabot  with the title "Good Employees Make Mistakes, Great Leaders Allow Them To".  that could tell us why scariest things to do was to give your people freedom to make mistakes.

"As a business leader, I found that one of the scariest things to do was to give your people the freedom to make mistakes. While mistakes allow individuals to learn and grow, they can also be very costly to any company. Scared as I was, I knew that truly great leaders found ways to allow their people to take these risks, and I genuinely wanted to be a great leader. I wanted to help my employees to grow. So I set out to discover how to accomplish this without placing my company in jeopardy."

Based on this article every employees afraid of making mistakes sometimes it happens. mistakes makes us learn and improve our works. As a great leader you will do everything to make your employees to improve their decision making,guide them in their weakness,encourage them to focus in their work and give them time to relax. It is hard to be a leader because you will study what kind of person they are and you need to be patience and understanding at all time.     

If you're not making mistakes,then you're not doing anything. And if you really want to be a leader you should accept your mistakes because our mistakes is the pathway to great ideas and innovation. And mistakes are not our failures they are simply the process of eliminating ways that won't work in order to come closer to the ways that will. 


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