Monday, July 15, 2013

Blogpost #5 A Thought Leader

So What is Thought Leader!?
Lets define thought leader, thought leader is an individual or firm that significantly profits from being recognized or firm that prospects, clients, referral resources, intermediaries and even the competitors recognize as one of the foremost authorities in selected areas of specialization, resulting in its being the go to individual or organization for said expertise.

Thought Leadership drives new direction or expand your learning, Push the economy forward. Makes the rest of us think, question, discuss, and purchase. 

Check this out there was an article at Forbes written by Russ Alan Prince and Bruce Rogers With the title "What is a Thought Leader?", to tend us to be the most successful individuals or firms in their respective fields.

It’s a truism that thought leaders tend to be the most successful individuals or firms in their respective fields. Furthermore, in the research literature, there’s a general consensus that being a thought leader whether you’re an individual or employed at an organization and you want to grow the business, or even an association seeking new members as well as more generous sponsors, being a thought leader can make a very significant and positive difference.

Based on this article being a thought leader it is very big responsibilities and firm in their respective fields, Being a leader whether you're an individual or employed at an organization you have a wide knowledge, understanding, and resourceful in seeking new member and generous sponsors to finance your financial needs to support the needs of your projects or organization.

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