Monday, July 15, 2013

Blogpost #4 Leadership Skills or Traits

What is Skill? Do we have skills? Do we need a skill in our life?
So skills is our activity in our daily life. If we have no skill we are just a statue doing noting in every second,every minute every hour, every day, or even every year. We will do noting if we have n skills.
No people has no skills,every one of us has a unique skills. Others they are using there skills in the bad things and others is doing good things to other people in this word.
A great leader not only develops and directs a successful team that respect him or her.

A leader is doing lots of research to discover a new things.

Check this out there was an article at written by F. John Reh with the title "Top Leadership Skills or Traits", That could tell us why there are many important skills and leader needs to have and many traits that good leaders display.
"There are many important skills any leader needs to have and many traits that good leaders display. I've listed what I consider the most important leadership skills and traits in my article What Is A Leader. Which skill or trait do you think is most important? Is it one I listed or one I missed? What is the one leadership skill or trait that separates a great leader from all the rest? Tell your peers your choice and why it's important. Share Your Top PickLeaders must be competent in their respective field; know how and when to follow other leaders and have great listening skills".
Based on the article a good leader should have a skills beside on how he handle his/her members during the discussion in any/different aspects/topic that we encounter to accept his style. A leader has a some responsibility to be a good at all time. Because some of the members they idolized their leader to be there mentor for reaching their success and to be a good leader someday. 

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